Located in Burlington, Iowa (U.S.A.), Burlington Baptist Church is a family of followers of Jesus Christ who desire to glorify God by making disciples and sharing the gospel with everyone around us. Always reforming our minds (beliefs and thoughts) and our lives (words and actions) to the Bible, we are a group of committed disciples who are striving to love God, love one another, and love our community well.
We firmly believe in the importance of teaching the Bible in a clear, relevant, and life-changing way. Because God's Word is authoritative and good, we desire to honor God by knowing His all-sufficient Word and applying it to every facet of our lives.
No matter where you are at in life, whether you are a non-Christian who is curious, a newer Christian, or a long time believer, there is a place for you here at Burlington Baptist. We would love to have you come visit us and consider joining what God is doing among us as we enjoy God's grace together. Come just as you are- you are welcome here!
As members of the Southern Baptist Convention, our church articulates and holds to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as our Statement of Faith. Please follow the link for a detailed document highlighting with scriptural references the teachings we believe.